CADTM, Comité pour l’abolition des dettes illégitimes. Comité para la abolición de las deudas ilegítimas Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt
(Version discussed and approved at the World Assembly of the CADTM network on 15 November 2021 in Dakar and edited by the joint international secretariat of the CADTM network) Preamble In 1989, the Bastille Appeal was launched in Paris.
Last week, the G20 G20 Le G20 est une structure informelle créée par le G7 (Allemagne, Canada, États-Unis, France, Italie, Japon, Royaume-Uni) à la fin des années 1990 et réactivée par lui en 2008 en…
Preamble. In 1989, the Bastille Appeal was launched in Paris. It invited popular movements throughout the world to unite in demanding the immediate and unconditional cancellation of the debt of the so-called developing countries. This crushing debt, along with the neo-liberal macro-economic reforms imposed on the South since the debt crisis of 1982, had led to the explosion of inequality, mass ...
Series: 1944-2024, 80 years of interference from the World Bank and the IMF, that’s enough ! The World Bank: an ABC 2.0. 13 November 2024 - by Eric Toussaint