Attack on Titan - The LastAttack anime film was released in Japan on November 7, 2024. Its anime-original post-credits scene was also revealed, which was the anime adaptation of the end credits ...
Isayama was closely involved in the movie's production, offering insights and details for THE LASTATTACK. The post-credits scene features Armin, Eren, and Mikasa discussing a historical ...
Muse Asia Reveals Attack on Titan Finale Compilation Film Screenings in S.E. Asia (Nov 4, 2024) Attack on Titan Finale Compilation Film Features New Post-Credits Scene (Nov 1, 2024) Attack on ...
A feature-length presentation of Attack on Titan's Final Chapters, the 145-minute film (titled The LastAttack) has a handful of subtle changes, including a new post-credits scene. While we ...
On November 1, 2024, the official X of Attack on Titan announced that The LastAttack movie would feature an original post-credit scene that wasn't present in either the anime or the manga ...
Attack on School Castes appeared in volumes 21 to 34, depicting a modern version of the Attack on Titan characters. Everyone lives in a normal high school and it’s a slice of life comedy, in ...