Attack on Titan - The Last Attack anime film was released in Japan on November 7, 2024. Its anime-original post-credits scene was also revealed, which was the anime adaptation of the end credits ...
The two companies describe the release plan as a "cinematic experience that combines the final chapters of the highly ...
Crunchyroll and Sony Pictures Entertainment have announced plans to bring Attack on Titan: The Last Attack to theaters across ...
The Last Attack might not have featured predominantly new footage from Studio MAPPA but that hasn’t stopped the compilation ...
One of the sole remaining survivors of the Pearl Harbor attack that launched World War II disobeyed orders and fought back.
Isayama was closely involved in the movie's production, offering insights and details for THE LAST ATTACK. The post-credits scene features Armin, Eren, and Mikasa discussing a historical ...
A New York Jewish community is mourning the death of a young Israeli American soldier who Israeli authorities had believed ...