Elder abuse is a single or repeated attitude, word or act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within a relationship with a person, community or institution where there is an expectation of trust ...
full-time study term, if you attended school on a full-time basis part-time study term, if you attended school on a part-time basis but were deemed a full-time student based on the requirements ...
Winter 2025 is the last semester of eligibility for the Québec Perspective Scholarship Program. People already enrolled in eligible programs may continue to receive the scholarship until the end of ...
If you do not regularly receive the support payments to which you are entitled under a judgment rendered in Québec, you can have the judgment enforced outside of the province. You can have the ...
This sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling merchandise and providing related logistics, marketing, and support services. The wholesaling process is generally an intermediate ...
These individuals ensure the effectiveness of solutions implemented within an organization. These can be business or digital transformation solutions. In this way, they support business intelligence ...
Annonce de deux aides financières venant appuyer la réalisation de projets porteurs dans la MRC du Fjord-du-Saguenay.
Des vestiges trouvés à l’été sont conditionnés, inventoriés et analysés au Laboratoire et Réserve d’archéologie du ministère ...
L’Événement public numériQc (ÉPN) sera de retour le 18 mars prochain pour sa 5e édition! Organisé par le ministère de la ...
CONTRECÅ’UR, QC, le 17 févr. 2025 - Le premier ministre, M. François Legault, et la vice-première ministre et ministre des ...
La ministre Andrée Laforest annonce une aide de 200 000 $ pour un service de navette d'autobus reliant Alma et l'Université ...
Le Prix À part entière est une occasion unique de reconnaître les actions qui changent la vie des personnes handicapées.