Dominion Energy, Santee Cooper want to build natural gas-fired power plant and the pipeline needed to serve it in Canadys, ...
Santee Cooper is seeking more than $7 million from Liberty Steel, the owner of Georgetown's idle steel mill, for breaching an ...
To meet the growing demand from data centers, the state is looking to give nuclear energy another try. Will it be ...
“We’ve seen the rapid pace with which this bill moved through the House. We’d ask that you consider every opportunity to ...
South Carolina leaders say one of the most pressing issues before them right now is figuring out how to ensure lights stay on ...
Efforts are underway in South Carolina to loosen the grip utilities have on customers. Some customers would have freedom to ...
Tracy Vreeland, a spokesperson for the utility company, said a car hit a pole near the airport, causing a transmission outage ...
South Carolina’s largest power provider Santee Cooper has issued a request for proposals (RFP) aimed at finding a buyer—or visionary—to take on what remains of the Virgil .C. Summer Nuclear ...
South Carolina state Sen. Tom Davis shares four reasons why a long-dormant proposal to build two nuclear reactors is “far more likely” to succeed today.
Staton noted that, unlike Duke and Dominion, Santee Cooper is a state agency that doesn’t need to make profits from new power plants. During Wednesday’s hearing, a data center representative said ...