On 28 November, the Department for the Execution of Judgments participated in a conference organised by the Federal Office of ...
Today, the Central Election Commission (CEC) has reached a significant milestone in reinforcing its cybersecurity. The CEC Secretariat’s IT team has successfully completed a year-long series of ...
Violence against women in Sweden: progress in legislation and education, but improved professional training and greater focus on safety of women and children in custody and visitation decisions is ...
The Minister of Justice and the members of the Portuguese Government emphasised Portugal’s strong commitment to implementing ...
Certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe are subject to a three-year regular evaluation, as provided for in Council of Europe Committee of Ministers Resolution CM/Res (2013)67, Article IV, 3 ...
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The visit focused on the treatment and safeguards afforded to people deprived of their liberty by law enforcement agencies. The delegation reviewed the measures taken by the Portuguese authorities to ...
The project aims at facilitating access to human rights and essential services for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and returnees at the community level by supporting the development and ...
You can use the form below to send ECRI’s Secretariat up to date information on matters concerning racism and intolerance in Council of Europe member States. Please bear in mind that ECRI is not ...
„Ich verfolge mit großer Sorge die Meldungen über die unverhältnismäßige Anwendung von Gewalt durch die Polizei gegen ...
Eröffnet wurde das Seminar vom luxemburgischen Minister für Sport, Georges Mischo, der monegassischen Chargée de Mission bei ...