The new proposal, however, would contradict current laws that forbid portraits of any living person from appearing on American money.
As the Greenville County GOP approaches its 2025 semi-annual organizational event, more mainstream Republicans are opting not to go after years of conflict.
A South Carolina House subcommittee is reviewing a bill that would ban nearly all abortions, with exceptions only for medical emergencies.
(The Hill) – Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) says he is preparing legislation to feature President Trump on a new $250 bill. “Grateful to announce that I am drafting legislation to direct the Bureau of Graving and Printing to design a $250 bill featuring ...
Republican lawmakers around America have filed a new batch of bills this year that would grant legal rights to fetuses and fertilized embryos. Lawmakers in at least eight states have considered bills to go even further,
At least 175 fast-moving blazes in South Carolina have scorched more than 4,200 acres of tinder-dry vegetation, officials said Sunday.
Adding to the list of similarly sycophantic bills, a Republican congressman wants to create a $250 dollar bill with Donald Trump’s face on it.