The former French prime minister and European commissioner believes that US President Donald Trump 'is sacrificing the future for the present' on many issues and that the US should not abandon its post-World War II alliances.
The French government wants to extend taxes on the rich as it seeks ways to boost defense spending while wrestling with a ballooning deficit and higher borrowing costs.
If the prime minister can survive the year, he can likely hang on until the end of Macron’s term. However, there are a few unresolved issues that could topple him before then.
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S&P said it could take further negative action if France cannot reduce its large budget deficits further over the next two years, or if economic growth falls below S&P’s projections.
The rating agency maintained France's AA- rating, but gave it a negative outlook, suggesting that it could be lowered in the coming months.
President Emmanuel Macron wants to build up French defence spending as Washington threatens to pull its European security guarantee, but funding those plans as his government struggles to tame an unruly deficit won't be easy.