And what about the parents giving birth in the labor delivery unit, or coming in for needed C-sections or inductions? The ...
I want more children, but I’m terrified of experiencing another miscarriage and being left to go septic or something if they ...
“Now she can go to college,” I joked to a friend of mine when I finally managed to procure for my 5-month-old daughter a Lovevery Play Gym. More expensive than another other baby gym on the ...
Looking back, I would not want to have been my mother. But I would want to be her friend.
My college roommate, Emma, notes that while few people are comfortable wielding a direct criticism of a fellow adult, they’re absolutely relaxed about assessing your baby. Emma lives in Oxford, ...
Around 4PM every evening, my mood descends perfectly in time with the sun. I am creatively depleted from a day of trying to write, my husband usually still has a few more hours of work to do, and ...
Ten months after her husband, Hal, died, Rebecca Woolf posted on Instagram that she was in a new relationship. She hadn’t meant to “‘meet someone’ meet someone,” as she put it.
When I was pregnant with my first baby, I enrolled us in the multi-evening childbirth education course offered by our HMO, where my husband and I sat in a little circle with other couples and took ...
The hair combing experience is a sacred space between Black mothers and daughters, and I was disappointed when I realized I could not carry this ritual forward. I pay someone to create ...
Five heavily documented teenagers describe mild embarrassment, a healthy fear of social media, and — get this — empathy for their parents. But what about their children, the kids they ...
Sign up for Romper's newsletter for thoughtful, of-the-moment parenting content delivered straight to your inbox. Join us for personal mom tales, a sprinkling of ...